Monday, August 07, 2006


In my 5 hours of sleep last night, I had a few miniature dreams.

I dreamt that I was floating in zero-gravity while being a contestant on a gameshow. I kept floating upward at the exact moment I moved to hit the buzzer...but that wasn't happening to anyone else, so I lost, and some douchebag won.

I also had a tiny dream about being lost underground, in search of precious magical rubies that were rumored to cause eternal youth...I found one ruby, and was in the process of making my way back to the surface when the whole tunnel shifted, left-to-right, and I disappeared into thin air because I was confused and couldn't find my way back. Becoming air was advantageous, however, because I floated right to the surface and materialized, with the ruby in hand.

There was also one where I was swimming in a pond, with sunlight streaming down through the clouds...and something grabbed my ankle, pulling me under.

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