Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Chess for two

We got Rock Band this weekend, and although it took me several tries to master the controller, we now have a little band. He plays drums and I play bass. It was frustrating to me at first, because I actually play the bass. The controller was much more confusing than an actual instrument.

Anyway, part of the plan was that I would play videogames with him, since that's his line of work and something he really loves... and then he'd play chess with me, because I love chess.

We played chess last night!! Actually, it was more of a tutorial thing-- I'd discuss possible moves with him and explain the strategy of what was going on. Nobody won, because we stopped playing once he started getting overwhelmed with the possibilities.

It would potentially be more fun for him if the both of us played against the computer-- cooperative games are really more his style.

YAY for chess!!

Friday, December 07, 2007

Heritage grains

So I'm doing a Nutcracker gig this weekend... Alan's coming out to see the first show tonight, and his parents (my future in-laws) are coming tomorrow to one of the shows, probably the matinee!

Also, in other news, Alan and I have discovered quinoa, a heritage grain used by the ancient Incas... it has human-compatible amino acids, real protein included INSIDE the grain! We've been having it for breakfast lately, and it's incredible... it kills hunger for hours and hours at a time, really reliable fuel.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

New car smell

So, due to the random creepy guy who asked me out on the street while I was walking to work last Wednesday, I now have a car. So we have two cars now. It's an '05 Chevy Aveo, blue, automatic, used, 40,000 miles. The monthly payment works for us just fine.

I also have a new bass, one that one of the techs at work put together in his spare time, and it needs to be played so it can grow into its sound... and who better to loan it to than me?
