Sunday, February 22, 2009

Looking up

I figured out how to move past this "failure" feeling.

I wake up every morning at the same time as my husband, make coffee for both of us, take a shower right away. Then I make a list of what housework needs to be done, and come up with dinner for that night. I do the housework right away, then reward myself with something fun.

For 2 hours I search for jobs and send out applications, and once all of this is done, I go grocery shopping if I need to.

I end up feeling very productive and successful-- and I have a 2nd interview with a company this week.

And with the extra time off, I've been pampering myself and trying to shake the pain. The pain has been very bad lately, but I'm doing ok.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

5 months

His death has changed the way I measure time. I still cry at this picture, I still curse the universe for leaving my sister alone when she had been so happy-- she had found her one and only, and then he was swept up by the hands of fate.

Already, though, I find I'm able to live a little more freely. I'm chained less to the sadness, I cry less, I'm less crippled by the sorrow and despondence that accompanied the tragedy.

I can only hope it gets better.

And I hope I can still be a beacon of hope to my sister even as the sadness fades from me.