These are girls from my high school class. Kelsey, Jessica, Lisa, and Kris. Kris is holding what I think is Lisa's baby girl, Amalyia. Jessica had her baby, Ella Reese Estes (she got married last October) just a few weeks ago. I'm so glad I got out of that town... there really was nothing for me there.
This was me today on my walk home from work-- still no car! That'll change when we move to a town that's between our two towns, so we can both keep our jobs and commute only 30 minutes a day to our respective careers. Alan's a user experience designer for a software company... thinking seriously about environmental design for videogames, and definitely planning to make his own videogame someday. Game theory is pretty sweet.
Today I was given new tasks at work. Not only am I the bass test player and quality control inspector, I am now the new cello test player and final inspector for the low-end cellos! I spent all day training, and I'm a natural, they say. It will take me a long time at first, but it's not really too hard for me... this is what I was born to do. It feels like this is my calling, this is what all my skills combine together to make me good at. Seriously. Making instruments sound good-- and these low-end, student models are the ones that need it the most, IMO, because a student won't progress without a well-set-up instrument... no matter how much it costs. My job is saving the world one instrument at a time!
Here are some photos from yesterday:
Right before the rain fell:
Nice droplet juxtaposition:
A macro of that shot:
Drops with taillights reflected:
Story of the camera to come later!
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