Wednesday, November 07, 2007


The story of the camera is simple.

On our first date, Alan and I went to go get sushi-- I'd never had it before, and I was kind of excited. I wasn't sure that this was a date, given my emotional state at the time-- I'd just had a very emotional breakup, broken engagement, you know, kind of rough, and I wasn't sure about trusting anyone. The trust issue was especially significant, given that I'd had a really bad date only a week before this date with Alan-- my worst bad date ever, involving a dude who wanted to go over his BDSM checklist on the first date and then showed up to my apartment later with a dozen assorted roses, trying to "win me back" when I'd specifically stated that I didn't want to see him ever again. It was a harrowing experience.

But the date with Alan went quite well, there was plenty to converse about, and after the sushi we went for a walk in my brand-new town (I'd only moved in 2 weeks prior, which is exactly when I recieved the okcupid message from Alan).

On the walk, I discovered this incredible little spiderweb with water droplets suspended in it... it was tucked away behind some bushes, and the only way I knew to look for it was because I *heard* it. My synesthesia gives me interesting talents, and one of those things is hearing objects sometimes. Alan was impressed with my gift for finding interesting things to look at (an invaluable skill for an artist and environment designer), and we basically had a good time that night.

About a week and half later, we'd agreed to meet up on a Sunday and have a picnic... I was hungover pretty badly from an Apprentice party where Ben was mixing drinks... I loved the piscola that Ben had acquired a taste for while in Mexico on a student exchange trip, and I kept up with him drink for drink because it all tasted so good. Ben's 6'3", so that wasn't such a good idea.

But I decided to meet with Alan anyway, didn't want to cancel on him... and it rained so hard that day that we had the picnic inside.

And when he arrived, he said, "I have something for you," and handed me a red-wrapped box with this written on it:

For Mel:
The world is a mob of personalities
Each crafted froma deluge of variables
And in such a world, uniqueness becomes regular
And the true battle is not one of originality
But instead, of compatibility
And as most personalities struggle to be similar
Very few resolve to be authentic
Because true compatibility-- a real connection
Is a rare thing
Both lucky
And random
Which is why I value so much
What I've discovered in you


Though while I can relate with you
Somethings I can not see
But if you're willing
I'd love to try
And perhaps this can help you show me.

I opened the wrapper, and you already know it's going to be a camera, but I had no clue at the time, and I was positively flabbergasted... no one had ever bought me a camera before, and it's a logical progression-- I see all kinds of things in my head, and often those things make it easy to see the bauty in the everyday world, so why not give me a camera so I can capture what my mind's eye helps me find?

I love this camera... I take at least one photo each day, and I love even more that it reminds me of Alan everytime I take a photo.


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